Another year has gone by and we are rapidly approaching the OHS AGM, which this year can be held in person in the St Magnus Centre at 7.30pm on Thursday 17th November 2022. 

Following the conclusion of business, Dr Andrew Lind will give a talk entitled,Royalists, Rebels & Clubmen: Orkney and the Carbisdale Campaign, 1649-50.’  This is a much-anticipated talk, which will cover a poorly understood part of Orkney history.

For those that cannot attend in person, you can join online. To receive a link for the meeting via Eventbrite please use this link: 

You will then receive an email in which there will be a link to attend the meeting. This allows us to collect e-mail addresses and so confirm which attendees of the meeting are members.

The 2022 AGM Agenda and supporting papers can be accessed on the OHS website here:

This year the Society has made a big saving in sending out PDF copies of the Newsletter, but we are concerned that some members may not have received their copy if the email to which it was attached went into their junk or spam folders.  Please do check and get in touch if you still have not received your copy of the 2022 Newsletter (email

Also, there are still seven unclaimed pre-ordered copies of HMS Hampshire, a Century of Myths and Mysteries Unravelled.  Please get in touch if you have an order form or know of anyone that has one.  Otherwise, the books will go back into stock.

The AGM provides an opportunity for members to get together to exchange ideas for future activities of the Society.   As ever there is an opportunity to get involved and we are always keen to welcome new board members.
Normally, meetings are held every six weeks on an evening in Kirkwall and last for up to two hours.   Please email or if you would like more information.