Launched in November 2012. The papers in this volume focus on some of the classic issues associated with the interpretation of Orkney’s history from the 11th to the present century. Contributors include Donna Heddle, Director of the Centre for Nordic Studies at the University of the Highlands & Islands; Margaret Hunter, Principal Teacher of Classics at Stromness Academy from 1968-1984; Steinar Imsen, Professor in medieval and early modern history at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim; James Irvine, author of The Breckness Estate and joint editor of the newly published An Orkney Anthology: Selected Works of Ernest Marwick, vol 2; Ragnhild Ljosland, lecturer in sociolinguistics and Old Norse and author of Chrissie’s Bodle about Orcadian author Christina M Costie; William PL Thomson, former head of Kirkwall Grammar School and extensive author on Orcadian history, most particularly his New History of Orkney; and Catherine Turnbull, journalist and former editor of the newspaper Orkney Today, graduate from the Centre for Nordic Studies in 2011.
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